H.Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gessner

Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg
Institut für Sekundarbildung und Fachdidaktik
Liechtensteinerstraße 33 - 37
6800 Feldkirch, Austria
0043 (0)5522 / 31199 - 103
Zu mir
Research Interestes
Transnationalism and Transculturation
Visual Culture Studies
Gender Studies
Material Culture and New Materialism
Environmental and Medical Humanities
Digital Humanities
Summer Semester
- VO Introduction to American Literary Studies
- VO Introduction to British and Postcolonial Literary Studies
- VO British and Postcolonial Literature and Culture
- VO American Literature and Culture
Winter Semester
- VO Introduction to American Cultures
- VU Introduction to Media Studies
- PS British and Postcolonial Literature: Climate Change Literature in English
- PS Cultural Studies: American Cultures: Public Art and Memory in America
- PS Researching Modern Fiction
- Ingrid Gessner, Yellow Fever Years: An Epidemiology of Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Frankfurt: Lang, 2016. Print. Regensburg Studies in British and American Literatures and Cultures.
- Ingrid Gessner, From Sites of Memory to Cybersights: (Re)Framing Japanese American Experiences. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007. Print. American Studies – A Monograph Series 141. [Abstract in English and American Studies in German 2006: Summaries of Theses and Monographs. A Supplement to Anglia, 77-79]
- Ingrid Gessner, Kollektive Erinnerung als Katharsis? Das Vietnam Veterans Memorial in der öffentlichen Kontroverse [Collective Memory as Catharsis? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Public Discourse]. Frankfurt: Lang, 2000. Print. Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik 44.
Edited Volumes
- Ingrid Gessner and Uwe Küchler, eds. Teaching Counter/Publics: American Studies and Digital Pedagogy Special issue American Studies Journal, forthcoming, 2019.
- Ingrid Gessner, Miriam Nandi and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk, eds. MatteReality: Historical Trajectories and Conceptual Futures for Material Culture Studies. Special issue Open Cultural Studies, forthcoming 2019. Print.
- Katharina Fackler and Ingrid Gessner, eds. Transnational Politics of Visuality: Picturing Political Women. Forthcoming 2019. Print.
- Birgit M. Bauridl, Ingrid Gessner, and Udo J. Hebel, eds. 1945-2015: German-American Encounters in Bavaria (and Beyond). New York: Lang, 2018. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, ed., Women and Medicine in American Literature and Culture. Spec. Issue of COPAS 17.2 (2016). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner and Birgit Däwes, eds. Commemorating World War II at 70: Ethnic and Transnational Perspectives. Spec. Issue of American Studies Journal 59 (2015). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner and Susanne Leikam, eds., Iconographies of the Calamitous in American Visual Culture. Spec. Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies 58.4 (2013). Print.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes and Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Ingrid Gessner, Miriam Nandi and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk, “Introduction: Historical Trajectories and Conceptual Futures for Material Culture Studies.” Special issue Open Cultural Studies, forthcoming 2019. Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Picturing Ebola: Photography as Instrument of Biopolitical (In)Justice.” The United States and the Question of Rights. Ed. Peter Schneck, Sabine Meyer, and Irina Brittner. Heidelberg: Winter, forthcoming 2018. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Digital Modernities: Augmented Reality Art and the Archives of Tomorrow.” Modernities and Modernization in North America. Ed. Ruth Mayer and Ilka Brasch. Heidelberg: Winter, forthcoming 2018. Print.
- Albert Feiber and Ingrid Gessner, “Obersalzberg 1945-Today: German-American Encounters below the Eagle’s Nest.” 1945-2015: German-American Encounters in Bavaria (and Beyond). Ed. Birgit M. Bauridl, Ingrid Gessner, Udo J. Hebel. New York: Lang, 2018. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Manzanar, Berlin, Venice: Transnational Virtual Reality Art Installations.” Zbornik Seminara za Studije Moderne Umetnosti Filozofskog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (The Journal of Modern Art History Department Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade) 13 (2017). Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Women and Medicine in American Literature and Culture – An Introduction.” Spec. Issue of COPAS 17.2 (2016). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “‘You were my heroes’: Memorializing Military Nurses of the Vietnam War.” Preserving U.S. History—Memorializing Contested Events. Ed. Melissa Bender and Klara Stephanie Szlezák, forthcoming 2018. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “‘We see the surface, but there is something beyond the surface’: Recovering Masumi Hayashi’s EPA Superfund Site Photo Collages.” America after Nature: Democracy, Culture, Environment. Ed. Catrin Gersdorf and Juliane Braun. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 369-88. Print. Reprinted as “‘We see the surface, but there is something beyond the surface’: Otkrivanje Fotografskih kolaža EPA Superfund Site Masumi Hajaši.” The Journal of Modern Art History Department Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade 12 (2016): 211-26. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Ted, Marco, The Donald or ‘Hillary for America’? The Iconography of US Presidential Elections.” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 47.3 (2014) [published 2016]: 377-94. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Tamiko Thiel’s Virtual Reality Installations as Sites of Learning in and beyond the Museum.” Studies in the Education of Adults 48.2 (2016). Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Schlafen alle Indianerkinder in Tipis? Wie Indianerkinder heute leben“ [Do all Indians sleep in tipis? How Indian children live today]. Universität für Kinder. Regensburg: Universität Regensburg, 2015. 33-38. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner and Birgit Däwes, “Commemorating World War II at 70: Ethnic and Transnational Perspectives – An Introduction.” American Studies Journal 59 (2015). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Commemorating Crystal City: The Transnational Dimension of German American Interment Experiences.” American Studies Journal 59 (2015). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Heroines of Health: Examining the Other Side of the ‘Splendid Little War.’” European Journal of American Studies 10.1 (2015). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “‘A country life and estate I like best for my children’: Spatial Dialectics and the Contagiousness of Fear.” Rural America. Ed. Antje Kley and Heike Paul. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. 227-46. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “The Aesthetics of Remembering 9/11: Toward a Transnational Typology of Memorials.” Journal of Transnational American Studies 6.1 (2015). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Of He-Nurses and She-Doctors: Gendered Accounts of Yellow Fever in Postbellum American Literature.” Gender and Disease. Ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014: 137-55. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Epidemic Iconographies: Towards a Disease Aesthetics of the Destructive Sublime.” Spec. Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies 58.4 (2013). Ed. Ingrid Gessner and Susanne Leikam. 559-82. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner and Susanne Leikam, “Introduction: Iconographies of the Calamitous in American Visual Culture.” Spec. Issue of Amerikastudien / American Studies 58.4 (2013). Ed. Ingrid Gessner and Susanne Leikam. 533-42. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Contagion, Crisis, and Control: Tracing Yellow Fever in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture.” Communicating Disease: Cultural Representations of American Medicine. Ed. Carmen Birkle and Johanna Heil. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 219-42. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “War, Visual Politics and Cultural Memory: Revisiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.” Visual Cultures - Transatlantic Perspectives. Ed. Volker Depkat and Meike Zwingenberger. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 153-73. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, Susanne Leikam, Sascha Pöhlmann, Klara-Stephanie Szlezák, and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk, “Editorial: Setting Out into the Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century.” COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 12 (2011). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “‘Must-See Sights’: The Politics of Representing U.S. History.” Pictorial Cultures and Political Iconographies. Ed. Udo J. Hebel and Christoph Wagner. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. 377-400. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Liberating Dachau: Transnational Negotiations of Holocaust Memory.” Transnational American Memories. Ed. Udo J. Hebel. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009. 243-65. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Moving Beyond Manzanar: Transnationalizing Japanese American Internment Experiences.” Virtually American? Denationalizing North American Studies. Ed. Mita Banerjee. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009. 77-96. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “‘Feinde in den eigenen Reihen’: Die Internierung japanischstämmiger Amerikaner im Zweiten Weltkrieg” [Enemies among Your Own Ranks: The Internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II]. Hörbild und Feature: Radiozeitreisen. Narr. Irina Wanka, Tets Asato/Helmut Stange, Paul Tani/Reinhard Glemnitz. Ed. Ulrich Klenner. Bayern 2. 17. Feb. 2008. Audio/Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “(Re)Framing Memory: Japanese American Internment Experiences in Reality and Virtuality.” The Merits of Memory: Concepts, Contexts, Debates. American Studies – A Monograph Series 143. Ed. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe and Sabine Schindler. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008. 301-27. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, Birgit Bauridl and Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk. “Editorial: Approaching the Second Decade (1999-2008).” COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 9 (2008). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Britney Spears’ Lieblingsbrause: Super Bowl Commercials dekodieren, Amerikabilder vergleichen” [Britney Spears’ Favorite Soft Drink: Decoding Super Bowl Commercials, Comparing Images of America]. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 87 (2007): 32-37. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Erasure and Visual Recovery: Displaying Japanese American Internment Experiences.” Visual Culture Revisited: German and American Perspectives on Visual Culture. Ed. Ralf Adelmann et al. Köln: von Halem, 2007. 216-42. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Recovering Japanese American Experiences for the EFL Classroom.” Visual Culture in the American Studies Classroom: Proceedings of the U.S. Embassy Teacher Academy 2003. Ed. Udo J. Hebel and Martina Kohl. Regensburg: RPO, 2005. 139-71. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Das Trauma des Vietnamkrieges: Erinnerungspolitik und Gedächtniskultur im Spiegel des Vietnam Veterans Memorial.” Praxis Geschichte 6 (2003): 28-34. Print.
Editorships and Expert Activities
Editor WiN: The EAAS Women’s Network Journal 1 (2018-)
Reader Open Cultural Studies(2018-)
Reader International Journal of Lifelong Education (2017-)
Reader Amerikastudien / American Studies (2017-)
External Referee Fulbright Prize of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) 2016
Reader Public Art Dialogue (2015-)
Reader COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (2012-)
Editor COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 2 (2001) – 13 (2012)
Assistant Editor, Amerikastudien / American Studies 48 (2003) – 54 (2009).
- Ingrid Gessner, “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2007.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 53.2 (2008). 235-76. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2005.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 51.2 (2006): 263-304. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2004.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 50.1-2 (2005): 367-417. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, “Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2003.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 49.2 (2004): 271-307. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, Rev. of Entangled Memories: Remembering the Holocaust in a Global Age. Marius Henderson and Julia Lange, eds. Amerikastudien / American Studies.Forthcoming 2018. Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, Rev. of Art, Literature, and the Japanese American Internment, by Thomas Girst. Anglia 135.3 (2017): 603-07. Print.
- Ingrid Gessner, Rev. of The Familiar Made Strange: American Icons and Artifacts after the Transnational Turn, by Brooke L. Blower and Mark Philip Bradley, eds. Amerikastudien / American Studies 62.4 (2017). Web.
- Ingrid Gessner, Rev. of Invading Bodies: Medizin und Immigration in den USA 1880-1920, by Barbara Lüthi. Amerikastudien / American Studies 56.1 (2011): 154-57. Print.
Conferences and Presentations
6 April 2019: Third Biennial EAAS Women’s Network Symposium Feminismand Technoscience (with Annessa Babic, SUNY; Tanfer Emin Tunc, Bilkent U, Ankara; Susanne Leikam, U Regensburg). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
31 March 2017: Second Biennial EAAS Women’s Network Symposium Transnational Feminismand/in American Studies (with Annessa Babic, SUNY; Tanfer Emin Tunc, Bilkent U, Ankara; Susanne Leikam, U Regensburg). University of Lausanne, Switzerland
23 – 25 March 2017: MatteReality: Historical Trajectories and Conceptual Futures for Material Culture Studies – A Junior Researcher Conference(with Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk and Miriam Nandi, U of Freiburg). Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Freiburg, Germany
27 July 2016: ERA American Studies Student Conference 2016. International Conference (with Susanne Leikam and Timo Müller, U Regensburg). Bavarian-American Academy, Munich, Germany
29 – 30 April 2016: So We Beat On: Junctures and Visions of American Studies. International Conference (with Karsten Fitz, U Passau; Birgit Bauridl and Susanne Leikam, U Regensburg). University of Regensburg, Germany
11 – 13 June 2015:1945-2015: German-American Encounters in Bavaria. International Conference (with Birgit Bauridl and Udo Hebel, U Regensburg). University of Regensburg, Germany
27 March 2015: First Biennial EAAS Women’s Network Symposium The State of the Nation: American Women in the Twenty-First Century (with Annessa Babic, SUNY; Tanfer Emin Tunc, Hacettepe U, Ankara). Maria Curie-Sklodowska U Lublin, Poland
12 February 2015: First Bamberg-Regensburg Student Symposium Women and Medicine in American Literature and Culture. University of Bamberg, Germany
30 May 2018: “Populism and the Failures of Anti-Trumpism,” invited lecture (HTL Dornbirn-Schoren)
26 May 2018: Invited discussant, “Zwischen Fake News und Fact Checking: Die Transformationen des öffentlichen Raumes,” Seminaris (Free University Berlin)
25 May 2018: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “Teaching Counter/Publics: American Studies and Digital Pedagogy” (with Uwe Küchler), Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Publics and Counterpublics (Free University Berlin)
5 April 2018: “Monumental Protest,” roundtable presentation, Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS), London
4 April 2018: “Re-Making Places in Virtual and Augmented Reality Art,” workshop presentation, Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS), London
10 November 2017: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “Teaching (Alternative) Futurity and the Archives of Tomorrow: Educational Strategies of Dissent in Museums” (with Birgit Däwes). Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Pedagogies of Dissent (Chicago); own presentation “Pedagogies of Dissent in Augmented and Virtual Reality”
7 November 2017: “Manzanar, Berlin, Venice, Seattle, Singapore, New York: Transnational Visual and Augmented Reality Art,” invited lecture (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
7 July 2017: “Understanding Trump: The Return of Populism,” workshop presentation, Teacher’s Conference Populism and the Popular (University of Regensburg)
30 June 2017: “Biopolitics in Transnational American Cultures,” invited presentation, American Studies Research Days Augsburg – Regensburg 2017 (University of Regensburg)
9 June 2017: “Imagining Past and Future: Augmented Reality (AR) Installations and American Studies.” Workshop “Digital Modernities: America and American Studies in an Algorithmic Age,” Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Modernities and Modernization in North America (Leibniz University Hannover)
23 May 2017: “Imagining Past and Future in the Archives of Tomorrow: Augmented Reality Art and American Studies,” invited keynote lecture, BAA 9th International Summer Academy Questions of the Archive, German-American Institute (DAI), Nuremberg
31 March 2017: “Reversing the Gaze, Producing Knowledge: Tamiko Thiel’s The Travels of Mariko Hōrō,” Second Biennial EAAS Women’s Network Symposium Transnational Feminism and/in American Studies (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland). Conference organization and keynote moderation
26 February 2017: “Climate Change Education through Augmented Reality Installations at the Museum: Viewing Gardens of the Anthropocene from a Feminist Perspective,” invited plenary lecture, International Conference Gender, Justice and Adult Education (SSHRC funded), University of Victoria, BC, Canada
21 February 2017: “Locally Global: Imagining the Anthropocene in Augmented Reality (AR) Installations,” invited lecture, International Conference of the DFG Research Network “Environmental Crisis and the Transnational Imagination” Transnational Dimensions of the Local, University of Augsburg, Germany
20 January 2016: Invited discussant, “Inauguration of the President“ (Discussion and Live Broadcast from the National Mall in Washington, D.C.) with Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat, Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling, Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, Regensburg European-American Forum (REAF, University of Regensburg)
16 November 2016: “Decision 2016: The Role of the Media in a Post-Factual Era,” invited lecture, Teaching Media Lecture Series, Europe-University Flensburg
5 July 2016: “The Visual Choreography of Decision 2016,” invited lecture, Visualizing American Culture Lecture Series, University of Marburg
21 May 2016: “Picturing Ebola: Photography as Instrument of Biopolitical (In)Justice.” Workshop “Graphic Justice: Mediating the Question of Rights in American Visual Culture,” Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) The United States and the Question of Rights (University of Osnabrück)
23 April 2016: Organization of the Workshop “Transnational Politics of Visuality: Picturing Political Women.” Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS), Ovidius University Constanta; own presentation “‘Hillary for America’: Pictorial Staging and the Communication of Power and Politics“
26 January 2016: Invited discussant, “The 2016 US Presidential Elections,” Consul General Jennifer Gavito, Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat, Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling, Regensburg European-American Forum (REAF, University of Regensburg)
25 January 2016: “From Memoir to Memorial: Vietnam, Women, and the Washington Mall,” invited lecture, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
11 November 2015: “Picturing Political Women: From Eleanor’s ‘My Day’ to ‚ ‘Hillary for America’”. Invited lecture, Lecture Series of the History Department, University of Münster
10 October 2015: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “Contagion and Containment: Epidemiological Surveillance and Biomedical Misery in Contemporary Transnational Cultures” (with Birgit Däwes). Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) The (Re)production of Misery and the Ways of Resistance (Toronto, Canada); own presentation „Picturing Ebola: Between Biopolitical Surveillance and Visual Resistance“
14 July 2015: “Do all Indians sleep in tipis? How Indian children live,” University for Kids Lecture Series (University of Regensburg)
6 July 2015: “(Deep-)Mapping Transnational 9/11 Memorials,” invited lecture, Digital Humanities Lectures (University of Stuttgart)
27 June 2015: “Gendered Dis/Appearances: Staged Authenticity and the Politics of Affect in Transnational Visual Culture,” invited presentation, American Studies Research Days Augsburg – Regensburg 2015 (University of Augsburg)
30 May 2015: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “GeoKnowledges: Mapping in the Analog and Digital Humanities” (with Marc Priewe), Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Knowledge Landscapes North America (University of Bonn)
27 March 2015: “Dis/Appearing Acts: An Iconography of Women in Politics,” First Biennial EAAS Women’s Network Symposium The State of the Nation: American Women in the Twenty-First Century (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin). Conference organization and own session on “Biopolitics and Ecofeminism”
20 March 2015: “‘You Were My Heroes’: Remembering Military Nurses of the Vietnam War,” International Conference Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History: From World War I to 9/11 (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
23 November 2014: “Mapping 9/11 Memorials in Cities around the World, Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS) Space Oddities: Urbanity, American Identity, and Cultural Exchange (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
14 June 2014: “‘We see the surface, but there is something beyond the surface’: Recovering Masumi Hayashi’s EPA Superfund Site-Photocollages,” Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) America After Nature: Democracy, Culture, Environment (Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg)
5 April 2014: “Heroines of Health: Examining the Other Side of the ‘Splendid Little War’”. Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) America: Justice, Conflict, War (Leiden University College The Hague)
29 November 2013: “‘When you go into some of the houses you see horrible sights’: The Visual Functionalization of Yellow Fever in the Nineteenth Century,” invited presentation, American Studies Research Days Augsburg – Regensburg 2013 (University of Regensburg)
24 November 2013: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “Historical Debts and Public Commemoration: Questioning the ‘Good War’s’ Memory and Meaning in Contemporary America” (with Birgit Däwes). Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Beyond the Logic of Debt, Toward an Ethics of Collective Dissent (Washington, D.C.); own presentation “Commemorating Crystal City: The Transnational Dimension of German American Internment Experiences”
1 June 2013: “‘[A] country life and estate I like best for my children’: Spatial Dialectics and the Contagiousness of Fear,“ Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) RuralAmerica (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
16 November 2012: “Disease on Display: Representing Yellow Fever in Nineteenth-Century Illustrations and Photography,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Dimensions of Empire and Resistance: Past, Present, and Future (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
12 November 2012: “The Aesthetics of Remembering 9/11: Towards a Transnational Typology of Memorials, invited lecture (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
26 June 2012: “Of He-Nurses and She-Doctors: Fighting and Writing Yellow Fever in the American South,” invited lecture, Gender and Disease: Geschlecht und Erkrankung Lecture Series (University of Regensburg)
31 March 2012: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “From Bodybuilding to Nation Building: Health and Disease in the Nineteenth Century,” Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) The Health of the Nation (Ege University Izmir); own presentation “‘Volunteers to the Fever District’: Narrative Enactments of Postbellum Healing of the Nation’s Wounds“
2 February 2012: “Sites of Tragedy and Terror in the United States and Beyond,” plenary lecture, Teacher’s Conference Place and Space in North American Cultural Studies and Literature (Augsburg)
15 July 2011: “Continuity or Change? The Aesthetics of Remembering 9/11,” invited lecture, International Symposium 9/11 Ten Years After: History, Narrative, Memory der Bavarian-American Academy (Amerikahaus Munich)
8 July 2011: “American and European Spaces of Trauma: From Dachau to Ground Zero and Beyond,” workshop presentation, Teacher’s Conference Teaching Spaces: British and American Literature and Culture (University of Regensburg)
28 June 2011: “Contagious Fear and Fear of Contagion: Yellow Fever in Nineteenth-Century U.S.-American History and Culture,” invited lecture (University of Potsdam)
17 June 2011: Organization and Chair of the Workshop “Coping with Crisis: Towards a Transnational Aesthetics of Anxiety” (with Birgit Däwes), Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Transnational American Studies (University of Regensburg)
12 February 2011: “Contagion, Crisis, and Control: Tracing Yellow Fever Epidemics in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture,” International Symposium Literature and Medicine (University of Marburg)
19 November 2010: “Memory Removed: Off-Site 9/11 Memorials, Continuity and Change,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Crisis, Chains, and Change: American Studies for the 21st Century (San Antonio, Texas)
23 June 2010: “Transnational Memory and Transformations of the ‘Other’: Visualizing Japanese American Experiences,” invited lecture, Cultural Contact, Memory, Commemoration Lecture Series (University of Rostock)
29 May 2010: “Potential and Realization of New Publication Formats in German American Studies II,” organization and discussant (with Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk). Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) American Economies (Humboldt University, Berlin)
23 April 2010: “Visual Cultures,” Discussion with Miles Orvell and Udo Hebel, International Symposium Pictorial Cultures and Political Iconographies (University of Regensburg)
5 June 2009: “Potential and Realization of New Publication Formats in German American Studies,” organization and discussant (with Juliane Schwarz-Bierschenk), Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Education and the USA (University of Jena)
14 May 2009: “Diseases in U.S. American History and Culture: An Anamnesis,” invited presentation, Regensburg European American Forum, REAF (University of Regensburg)
30 January 2009: “War, Visual Politics, and Cultural Memory: Fighting Images in Post-Vietnam America,” invited plenary lecture, International Symposium Contested Memory and Post-Vietnam America (University of Erfurt)
18 October 2008: “Creations of a Triple-Conscious Mind: Tamiko Thiel’s Transnational Virtual Reality Installations,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) Back Down to the Crossroads: Integrative American Studies in Theory and Practice (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
10 May 2008: “Guarding the Nation’s Icons: The National Park Service as Steward of U.S. History?” Biennial Meeting of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) E Pluribus Unum‘ or ‚E Pluribus Plura‘? (University of Oslo)
1 June 2007: Organization and Workshop Chair “Dis/Enchanted? Religion and Ethnicity in American Culture” (with Bärbel Höttges). Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) Religion in the USA (University of Bochum)
14 October 2006: Workshop Organization “Crossing Boundaries: Interpreting Transnational Modes of Memory,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association (ASA) The United States from Inside and Out: Transnational American Studies (Oakland, California); own presentation “Liberating Dachau: Transnational Discourses of Holocaust Memory”
6 July 2006: “American History and Memory Politics in the Memorials and Museum on the Washington Mall in Washington, DC,” Teacher’s Conference Teaching History and American Studies: Positions, Perspectives, Case Studies (University of Regensburg)
21 June 2006: “American Woman (2003) by Susan Choi,” invited lecture, Literary Salon/Literaturgespräch (University of Regensburg)
10 June 2006: “‘Don’t be evil’: In Search of the Future of the Internet,“ Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA) American Studies as Media Studies (University of Göttingen)
19 May 2006: “Gendering Urbanity in Contemporary American TV Series,” Keynote Address, Teacher’s Conference British and American TV Series in the Classroom (University of Regensburg)
19 May 2006: “Singlehood, Female Identity, and Urban Life Styles: From Ally McBeal to Sex and the City,” workshop presentation, Teacher’s Conference British and American TV Series in the Classroom (University of Regensburg)
11 January 2006: “The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Politics of Remembering: The Wall, the Three Servicemen Statue, and the Vietnam Women’s Memorial,” invited lecture, The Vietnam War: 30 Years War, 30 Years Commemoration Lecture Series (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
6 October 2005: “Moving Beyond Manzanar: Transnationalizing Japanese American Internment Experiences,” International Conference Virtually American? Denationalizing North American Studies (University of Siegen)
25 June 2005: “(Re)framing Memory: Japanese American Internment Experiences,” International Conference The Merits of Memory: Uses and Abuses of a Concept (University of Halle-Wittenberg/LEUCOREA Foundation, Lutherstadt Wittenberg)
3 October 2003: “Recovering Japanese American Experiences,” U.S. Embassy Teacher Academy History and Politics and Visual Culture (Akademie für politische Bildung, Tutzing)
Grants and Awards
June – Sept. 2017: Grant to employ Student Research Assistant for “Biopolitics in Transnational American Cultures” project (solicited by the Office for Equality of Opportunity, Board of the Philosophical Department for Language, Literature and Culture, University of Regensburg)
June 2016: Academic Research Sabbatical, University of Regensburg for “Biopolitics in Transnational American Cultures”
December 2015: Peter Lang Young Scholars Award 2015 for Yellow Fever Years: An Epidemiology of Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture (Habilitationsschrift)
March 2014: Grant to give a presentation at the international conference of the European Association for American Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands (solicited by the Office for Equality of Opportunity, Board of the Philosophical Department for Language, Literature and Culture, University of Regensburg)
March 2012: Grant to give a presentation at the international conference of the European Association for American Studies in Izmir, Turkey (solicited by the Office for Equality of Opportunity, Board of the Philosophical Department for Language, Literature and Culture, University of Regensburg)
Oct. 2011 – Sept. 2012: Habilitation Grant of the Free State of Bavaria for the realization of equality of opportunity for women in research and teaching
May 2006: First Book/Dissertation Award of the Bavarian American-Academy (BAA) for From Sites of Memory to Cybersights: (Re)Framing Japanese American Experiences
December 2005: Award of the Dr. Katharina-Sailer-Foundation in honor of the Dissertation/First Book, University of Regensburg
September 2003: Research Grant of the Association of the Friends of the University of Regensburg (Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles; Japanese American Museum of San Jose Collection; San Jose Museum of Art; CSU Sacramento Special Archives CSU and Japanese American Digitization Project; Cornell University Special Archives; National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC)
August 2003: Postgraduate Grant of the Bavarian-American-Academy (BAA)
June – July 2003: Fulbright Scholar, German-American Fulbright Commission, American Studies Summer Institute Visual Culture and History in America, Amherst, MA, USA
Apr. – Sept. 2000: PhD Scholarship of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate January 1999: Scholarship of the John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University Berlin for M.A. thesis
Aug. 1994 – May 1995: Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (GAES/DAAD) to study at the University of California, Davis
Academic Service
since June 2018: Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award Committee Member
since May 2018: Reader for Open Cultural Studies
since October 2017: Appointed Member of the Teaching Advisory Council English, LehrerInnenverband West, Tirol and Vorarlberg
since July 2017: Appointed Member of the Gender and Sexuality Committee of the American Studies Association (ASA)
since April 2017: Reader for International Journal of Lifelong Education
since January 2017: Reader for Amerikastudien / American Studies
since June 2016: External Referee Fulbright Prize of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS)
since April 2016: Editor of WiN: The EAAS Women’s Network Journal
since August 2015: Reader forPublic Art Dialogue
since April 2014: Elected Member of the Steering Committee of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) Women’s Network
since November 2013: Member and Reader Visual Culture Caucus of the American Studies Association (ASA)
Nov. 2013 – March 2014: Erasmus Departmental Coordinator (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic; Ege University, Izmir, Turkey)
April 2013: Certificate for Higher Education in Bavaria (“Hochschullehre Bayern”) (Teaching-Learning Concepts, Presentation and Communication, Testing, Teaching as a Profession, Advising and Mentoring)
since November 2012: Reader for Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS)
since August 2010: Member of the Steering Committee of the Digital American Studies Initiative
since January 2010: regular participant of advanced vocational training programs on didactics of higher education “ProfiLehre“ at the Center for Didactics of Higher Education and Research at University of Regensburg. Completion of Advanced Certificate for Higher Education in Bavaria (“Hochschullehre Bayern”) expected in July 2018.
Oct. 2009 – March 2011: Mentoring Program of the University of Regensburg for high-potential scholars and researchers. Acquisition of skills in leadership, conflict management, mediation, rhetoric and (intercultural) communication.
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Carmen Birkle, University of Marburg
Oct. 2002 – Sept. 2004: Deputy Women’s Representative for the Philosophical Faculty IV (Language- and Literary Studies), University of Regensburg
Sept. 2002 – Feb. 2009: Assistant EditorAmerikastudien / American Studies
May 2001 – Oct. 2012: Editor of Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS)